How do you empower your leaders with the capability to balance the needs of the organisation with the needs of your people as they seek to develop and execute the strategy of the business?
Inadvertently and very often, despite the best intentions in striving to develop and execute the strategy of a business, different leadership styles fail to adequately balance the needs of the organisation with the needs of the people within it. The result is the following:
- Fear-driven or harmony-seeking leadership versus inspiration-led leadership
- Broken trust
- Lack of collaboration
- Closed communication channels
- Destructive conflict management patterns
- Resistance to change
- Demotivated workforce
- High attrition rates
Leaders that are empowered with knowledge, insights and skills can transform their leadership style to inspire and engage people and lead teams in achieving performance excellence.
The team at PsyGro partners with leaders as Thinking Partners and use renowned, trusted assessments and psychological insights to challenge, encourage, and guide leaders in leading mindfully, authentically, and courageously.

Awakening the leader within

Inspiring leaders as coaches
Inspiring a coaching mentality in leaders by focusing on the intention of coaching and the development of basic coaching skills, PsyGro will aid leaders in guiding employees to think out loud and work through specific challenges they encounter along the way. Leaders are able to help team members fully understand and shape the opportunities and possibilities available to them and nurture a culture of support by assisting in the formulation of a clearly articulated action plan as they learn, grow, and make informed and courageous decisions around their careers.
Develop coaching skills to transform team dynamics in your business.

Strategic strengthening of leaders
From small and medium enterprises to large corporate operations, businesses operate within a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. The skill set of leaders in creating robust strategies should be a primary focal point for any business owner. In partnership with Harrison Assessments, PsyGro has designed a programme to assist leaders in mindfully gauging where best to focus their time and energy in developing their skill set to prime themselves to meet this shifting business landscape.
Equip leaders today for the challenges of the future.

Growing emotional capability in our leaders
As your day unfolds, you’ll inevitably find yourself faced with decisions and choices that need to be made. At these times, do you have to work with others in finding the best solutions? Have you ever felt like there is an underlying intelligence and energy in the room that is just not being utilised to its maximum advantage? The key to great leadership lies in giving people the permission and confidence to tune in and bring a balance of their analytical thinking and their intuition into their communication, decision-making approach, and ways of working. PsyGro has developed a programme to aid the strengthening of their discussions, decisions, and team/group dynamics as they collaboratively navigate the way forward in the most impactful way during these leadership moments.
Prepare the ground for leaders to maximise their value and grow emotional capability in their leadership style.

The mindful leader within
Around the world, mindfulness in the workplace is becoming a subject of interest to employers and employees alike as rising stress levels, increasing health costs, and the need to develop resilience to cope better with a dynamic, competitive and increasingly complex world of work are challenges that need to be met. We are filled with possibility, yet we often constrain ourselves in a probability mindset. Research has shown that teaching ourselves to be fully aware in the present moment through mindful awareness training is a crucial factor in reducing our reactivity and in developing our resilience in facing the challenges that unfold in our daily lives. This programme has been designed to invite us to awaken within us a deeper, more compassionate way of seeing, being, and engaging in the world as we shape ourselves from the inside out.
Partner with us to awaken the mindful leaders in your business.

Leadership coaching conversations
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle. We believe that to build healthy leadership habits, we need to create platforms for conversations for leaders to provide them the space to focus on building capability and confidence in their interpersonal influence and effectiveness. We work with leaders to customise and focus these conversation platforms on their critical topics of the moment in the most optimal way. PsyGro’s strong, practical business experience combines with psychological and assessment insights to assist leaders in a process of self-discovery through coaching conversations.